Senin, 09 Juli 2012

5 brands that will disappear in 2013 (5 Merek yang akan Lenyap di 2013)

Ini ada sebuah artikel yang akan menggemparkan anda semua karna saya membacanya juga sedikit tercengang dan termangu sebentar, sesekali memikirkan bagaimana dengan perusahaan saya nanti kedepannya..? Tahun ini 24/7 Wall St. kembali membuat daftar 5 merek yang akan lenyap di tahun 2013. Mereka menggunakan pendekatan metodis dalam menentukan merek-merek mana saja yang masuk dalam daftar tahun ini.
Kriteria utama penilaiannya antara lain:
  • penjualan merosot drastis dan jumlah kerugian menanjak tajam
  • pemberitahuan dari perusahaan induk bahwa merek itu akan segera berhenti beroperasi
  • beban operasional meningkat tajam hingga tak memungkinkan untuk dicover melalui harga jual lebih tinggi
  • perusahaan yang telah dijual
  • perusahaan yang masuk tahap kebangkrutan
  • perusahaan yang kehilangan sebagian besar pelanggannya
  • operasi dengan penguasaan pangsa pasar yang menurun tajam
Setiap merek dalam daftar berikut ini mengalami salah satu atau lebih dari masalah ini. Mereka semua akan menghilang, setidaknya dalam 18 bulan. Berikut ini daftar selengkapnya:

1. Avon

CEO baru Sherilyn S. McCoy, dulunya memimpin Johnson&Johnson memegang tampuk kepemimpinan Avon mulai April. Masalahnya, ini merupakan pertama kalinya McCoy memimpin sebuah perusahaan terbuka. Triwulan pertama Avon melaporkan jumlah pendapatan yang sangat menyedihkan.
Di luar skandal tersebut, masalah fundamental Avon adalah manajemen tidak konsentrasi pada bisnis intinya, padahal pasar kecantikan sangat kompetitif. Analis Morningstar, Erin Lash menulis, “Daripada merestrukturisasi perusahaan yang merugi hampir US$ 800 juta sepanjang 2011, sepertinya Avon malah terus menerus membuat masalah dan tidak maju-maju.”
Mei lalu, perusahaan parfum Coty menawarkan pembelian saham Avon di harga US$ 24.75, nyaris 20% di atas harga saham Avon saat itu. Coty mendapat sokongan keuangan salah satunya dari Warren Buffett. Avon ragu-ragu dan akhirnya Coty mundur. Sejak itu, saham Avon langsung anjlok ke level di bawah US$ 16, jauh dibanding harga tahun lalu yakni US$ 43.

2. Suzuki

Alasan paling jelas kenapa penjualan Suzuki begitu seret adalah reputasi buruk mereka. Pada survey JD Power 2012 mengenai keandalan kendaraan AS, Suzuki mencetak skor rendah dibanding merek-merek lain. Kategori surveynya meliputi kekuatan mesin, kualitas bodi dan material, fitur-fitur serta aksesori mobil.
Salah satu pertanda Suzuki mengalami kesulitan menjual mobil-mobilnya adalah ketika mereka menawarkan paket promo luar biasa agresif. Suzuki menawarkan promo kredit 0% selama 72 bulan untuk semua mobil, truk dan SUV keluaran 2012.
Bahkan setelah mengeluarkan strategi  penjualan agresif seperti itu, Suzuki tidak bisa memperbaiki posisinya di pasar Amerika. Sebagian besar mobil-mobilnya dijual kurang dari US$ 20.000, sementara untuk truk dan SUV-nya dijual di bawah US$ 25.000.

3. American Airlines

AMR mengatakan berencana keluar dari Chapter 11 sebagai maskapai penerbangan yang gigih. Tapi sayang hal itu tak akan terjadi. US Airways sudah terang-terangan menyatakan keinginannya membeli aset-aset American Airlines. Begitu rumor pembelian potensial ini mencuat pada April, beberapa serikat buruh terbesar American Airlines mengatakan penolakannya atas rencana itu sebagai cara melindungi ketenagakerjaan mereka.
Awal bulan ini, CEO US Airways Doug Parker mengumumkan keinginannya untuk merger kedua maskapai. US Airways mungkin bersedia memberikan kreditor AMR jumlah yang cukup bagus untuk memperoleh aset-aset American Airlines. Kesepakatan potensial ini mendapat dukungan luar biasa dari para analis dan pemegang saham.
US Airways akan mendapat banyak dari transaksi ini dengan posisinya sebagai penguasa pasar penerbangan pasca merger Northwest dan Delta, juga United dan Continental.

4. Research In Motion (RIM)

Akhir Juni lalu sempat diberitakan bahwa nilai produksi RIM di triwulan pertama 2012 turun US$ 518 juta (Rp 4,8 triliun). Akibatnya, produsen Blackberry itu akan mem-PHK sekitar 5.000 karyawan. Aksi ini diperkirakan memakan biaya hingga US$ 300 juta.
Laporan keuangan terakhir RIM menyebutkan bahwa pendapatan mereka mereka turun 43% menjadi US$ 2,8 miliar hingga 2 Juni 2012. Padahal untuk periode yang sama di tahun sebelumnya berhasil meraup US$ 4,9 miliar.
Hingga awal Mei, tercatat RIM memiliki 16.500 karyawan. Ini merupakan pemangkasan kedua setelah Juli tahun lalu RIM juga merumahkan sekitar 2.000 karyawannya. Dengan berbagai isu buruk yang beredar termasuk demo karyawan besar-besaran, para analis meramalkan perusahaan Kanada ini tak lama lagi tamat.

5. Current TV

Current TV milik Al Gore dalam keadaan kritis bahkan sebelum mereka memecat satu-satunya bintang mereka yang paling menghasilkan, Keith Olbermann pada Maret pasca ribut-ribut dengan rekan kerjanya. Olbermann kemudian digantikan oleh presenter acara bincang-bincang Eliot Spitzer. Dibandingkan saat masih memajang Olbermann pada Maret, rating Spitzer pada April anjlok hingga hampir 70% menurut Nielsen.
Kala itu The Hollywood Reporter menulis, penggantian Spitzer membuat Current TV kehilangan hampir 47.000 pemirsa menjadi tinggal 10.000 pemirsa saja. Baru-baru ini Reuters melaporkan, anjloknya jumlah penonton membuat jaringan TV kabel raksasa Time Warner Cable mempertimbangkan untuk menghentikan siaran saluran ini. Gore tidak punya cukup uang untuk mempertahankan TV yang tak punya masa depan cerah ini.

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012


The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer

If there is one book that you have to read this year, it is this one.
I don’t really know how to begin to describe it and to tell all of the thoughts, questions, and emotions it provoked. It is hands down one of the best books that I have ever read. It is one that will stick with me for a very long time.
Sajer isn’t a historian, but his account as a soldier of the Wehrmacht, Großdeutschland Division to be exact, fighting on the Eastern Front depicts the war in a way that you won’t find in text books or in a lecture.  His writing enables the reader to take a peek at what he experienced, which ends up creating some very powerful images that stick in your mind.
This book….just wow. Go read it, enjoy it, soak it up. It’s an absolutely extraordinary memoir.

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012


Strong Colors and an Overall Playful Vision: Polaris House in Massachusetts

With its name deriving from the North Star (easy to spot though the skylight the kid’s bedroom), Polaris House was designed by Boston-based architect Bob Augustine and is located in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. The exterior of the residence is adapted to the wood-defined architecture of the neighborhood. The entrance is easy to spot, due to the zinc-clad silo, contrasting the rest of the building finished in Western Red Cedar. The interiors were especially developed with a playful, childish vision in mind. Vivid colors and eye-catching lighting fixtures fill the house. As the client explained, the living space “is all about the kids.” A circular metal stair, painted in a striking industrial orange hue, acts as the focal point of the residence and guides inhabitants towards the second floor, where a library and a home office are located. Find this unusual color mix appealing?

Strong Colors and an Overall Playful Vision: Polaris House in Massachusetts

With its name deriving from the North Star (easy to spot though the skylight the kid’s bedroom), Polaris House was designed by Boston-based architect Bob Augustine and is located in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. The exterior of the residence is adapted to the wood-defined architecture of the neighborhood. The entrance is easy to spot, due to the zinc-clad silo, contrasting the rest of the building finished in Western Red Cedar. The interiors were especially developed with a playful, childish vision in mind. Vivid colors and eye-catching lighting fixtures fill the house. As the client explained, the living space “is all about the kids.” A circular metal stair, painted in a striking industrial orange hue, acts as the focal point of the residence and guides inhabitants towards the second floor, where a library and a home office are located. Find this unusual color mix appealing?

Ancient Meets Artsy in Contemporary Farmhouse Rebuild

Near the medieval Slovenian town of Škofja Loka, a farm property was transformed by the replacement of an ancient farm building with this crisp, modern three-story home. The home, built by Arhitetektura d.o.o., sits in exactly the same location as the farm building it replaced, sharing the very same dimensions, with the same slope used as a prominent influence in the home’s shape.

Ancient Meets Artsy in Contemporary Farmhouse Rebuild

Near the medieval Slovenian town of Škofja Loka, a farm property was transformed by the replacement of an ancient farm building with this crisp, modern three-story home. The home, built by Arhitetektura d.o.o., sits in exactly the same location as the farm building it replaced, sharing the very same dimensions, with the same slope used as a prominent influence in the home’s shape.

Original Motorcycle-Friendly Apartment Building in Tokyo

This unusual motorcycle-friendly apartment building in Tokyo is the result of a design collaboration between Akiyoshi Takagi Architects, Nakae Architects and Ohno Japan- it wouldn’t come as a surprise if all these three companies shared a common interest. Structured on three levels and consisting of eight separate homes, the project was especially developed with adventure in mind, and when we say adventure, we mean the endless passion for the road shared by its inhabitants. Each of the eight housing units has its own built-in garage space to store the roaring motorcycles. The building itself is defined by concrete and was envisioned around a central courtyard. Its innovative architectural design ensures plenty of space for each apartment, not to mention room for the wheelers to ride a bit and make a complete turn. Talk about cool exclusive buildings!

Original Motorcycle-Friendly Apartment Building in Tokyo

This unusual motorcycle-friendly apartment building in Tokyo is the result of a design collaboration between Akiyoshi Takagi Architects, Nakae Architects and Ohno Japan- it wouldn’t come as a surprise if all these three companies shared a common interest. Structured on three levels and consisting of eight separate homes, the project was especially developed with adventure in mind, and when we say adventure, we mean the endless passion for the road shared by its inhabitants. Each of the eight housing units has its own built-in garage space to store the roaring motorcycles. The building itself is defined by concrete and was envisioned around a central courtyard. Its innovative architectural design ensures plenty of space for each apartment, not to mention room for the wheelers to ride a bit and make a complete turn. Talk about cool exclusive buildings!
Garage Turned Into An Airy Urban Residence On Two Floors

This transformation of an old garage into a very stylish contemporary residence took place under the attentive supervision of Italian studio Ego Vitamina Creativa. The duplex apartment is located in a city in northern Italy, named Cuneo and bares the name Casa LD. Distributed on two floors connected by a sculptural staircase, the public and private spaces are linked through design and color palette. A bright, elegant downstairs living/dining/cooking area seems to be separated by a wide column pierced by a transparent fireplace, but the fluid spaces appear strongly connected. Wooden floors reflect in the wodden ceiling, displaying the same longitudinal design that seems to elongate rays of natural light coming through glass doors and windows. Ego Vitamina Creativa imagined a living space where design lines intertwine to shape a dark wooden piece of furniture running alongside the wall opposite the kitchen. This versatile construction acts as a storage space and supports the folded, painted and perforated metal staircase railing leading to the upstairs bedroom. This unique feature completes the apartment’s design and the floor plan proves that careful space arrangement also needs a focal point to create an interesting interior design.

Garage Turned Into An Airy Urban Residence On Two Floors

This transformation of an old garage into a very stylish contemporary residence took place under the attentive supervision of Italian studio Ego Vitamina Creativa. The duplex apartment is located in a city in northern Italy, named Cuneo and bares the name Casa LD. Distributed on two floors connected by a sculptural staircase, the public and private spaces are linked through design and color palette. A bright, elegant downstairs living/dining/cooking area seems to be separated by a wide column pierced by a transparent fireplace, but the fluid spaces appear strongly connected. Wooden floors reflect in the wodden ceiling, displaying the same longitudinal design that seems to elongate rays of natural light coming through glass doors and windows. Ego Vitamina Creativa imagined a living space where design lines intertwine to shape a dark wooden piece of furniture running alongside the wall opposite the kitchen. This versatile construction acts as a storage space and supports the folded, painted and perforated metal staircase railing leading to the upstairs bedroom. This unique feature completes the apartment’s design and the floor plan proves that careful space arrangement also needs a focal point to create an interesting interior design.

Tetris Inspired Facade of the Secondary School in Western Switzerland

The modular fenestration of this school building in western Switzerland was inspired by shapes from 1980s computer game Tetris. Designed by Swiss architects ipas, the four-storey block is an extension to an existing secondary school and a glass bridge connects it to the main building at second-floor level. The building is located near the forest and its large windows fully open the school on its wooded surroundings.

Tetris Inspired Facade of the Secondary School in Western Switzerland

The modular fenestration of this school building in western Switzerland was inspired by shapes from 1980s computer game Tetris. Designed by Swiss architects ipas, the four-storey block is an extension to an existing secondary school and a glass bridge connects it to the main building at second-floor level. The building is located near the forest and its large windows fully open the school on its wooded surroundings.

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012


The GT Tower East with Fascinating ‘Rippling’ Glass Facade by ArchitectenConsort

ArchitectenConsort have completed the GT Tower East in Seoul, South Korea. With its elegantly undulating glass facade, the new high-rise brings a fascinating change to the angular architecture of the Korean capital. The form and positioning of the 130-metre-high building are the impressive result of the vision of architects Peter Couwenbergh and Edgar Bosman of ArchitectenConsort. They chose a uniform, glass finish for the facade, which has resulted in an organically pure form. The undulating motion of the facades provides an optically changing primary form when passing the building. Combined with the reflection of the light in the glass, this gives the building a special, iconic appearance. The dynamic appearance of GT Tower East is reinforced by the sight of the building, that seems to be dropping down below street level. As it were the building rises out of the Korean soil and then reaches upwards in a dancing movement, up into the infinity of the sky.

The GT Tower East with Fascinating ‘Rippling’ Glass Facade by ArchitectenConsort

ArchitectenConsort have completed the GT Tower East in Seoul, South Korea. With its elegantly undulating glass facade, the new high-rise brings a fascinating change to the angular architecture of the Korean capital. The form and positioning of the 130-metre-high building are the impressive result of the vision of architects Peter Couwenbergh and Edgar Bosman of ArchitectenConsort. They chose a uniform, glass finish for the facade, which has resulted in an organically pure form. The undulating motion of the facades provides an optically changing primary form when passing the building. Combined with the reflection of the light in the glass, this gives the building a special, iconic appearance. The dynamic appearance of GT Tower East is reinforced by the sight of the building, that seems to be dropping down below street level. As it were the building rises out of the Korean soil and then reaches upwards in a dancing movement, up into the infinity of the sky.

Casa G Cleverly Responds to Characteristic Landscape Situation

Gudmundur Jonsson Arkitektkontor designed this vacational house respecting the landscape that surrounds the house. The concept of Casa G is based on reading and feedback to the landscape it exists on. The characteristic landscape situation and view differences distinctively in each direction. Towards south the view to the sea and islands, towards north the characteristic triangular mountain, towards east the glacier and towards west the river and canyon.

Casa G Cleverly Responds to Characteristic Landscape Situation

Gudmundur Jonsson Arkitektkontor designed this vacational house respecting the landscape that surrounds the house. The concept of Casa G is based on reading and feedback to the landscape it exists on. The characteristic landscape situation and view differences distinctively in each direction. Towards south the view to the sea and islands, towards north the characteristic triangular mountain, towards east the glacier and towards west the river and canyon.


New Terraced Manhattan Residential Building Spiraling 30 Floors Up

Summing up to a total of 865 units (rental and condos), the Mercedes House in the west of Midtown Manhattan combines commercial and residential spaces in a new, splendidly designed modern structure. Overlooking De Witt Clinton Park and the Hudson River, this terraced mixed-use building is programmed to be up and running this summer. Spreading over 1.3 million square feet, the building designed by Ten Arquitectos also features a public garden, sun deck, and mirrored courtyard. Two hundred parking spaces and a 55,000 square-foot auto showroom on ground floor reminds us of the building’s name. Sloping from New York’s telephone switching tower down to the De Witt Clinton Park, it composes a height transition between the two, challenging New York City to displays itself beautifully from the rooftop gardens at every floor. The building’s impressive size, measuring more than half a city block, allows the structure to look imposing, while the upper part was arranged to resemble a staircase. This allows each inhabitant to benefit from direct sunlight and connect to the cityscape without loosing the pleasure of enjoying the panorama from a terrace. Faceted with a silver perforated rain screen on the street-facing walls and a hybrid curtain wall on the interior, the Mercedes House will help change the cityscape and add a little breathing residential space to the surroundings.

New Terraced Manhattan Residential Building Spiraling 30 Floors Up

Summing up to a total of 865 units (rental and condos), the Mercedes House in the west of Midtown Manhattan combines commercial and residential spaces in a new, splendidly designed modern structure. Overlooking De Witt Clinton Park and the Hudson River, this terraced mixed-use building is programmed to be up and running this summer. Spreading over 1.3 million square feet, the building designed by Ten Arquitectos also features a public garden, sun deck, and mirrored courtyard. Two hundred parking spaces and a 55,000 square-foot auto showroom on ground floor reminds us of the building’s name. Sloping from New York’s telephone switching tower down to the De Witt Clinton Park, it composes a height transition between the two, challenging New York City to displays itself beautifully from the rooftop gardens at every floor. The building’s impressive size, measuring more than half a city block, allows the structure to look imposing, while the upper part was arranged to resemble a staircase. This allows each inhabitant to benefit from direct sunlight and connect to the cityscape without loosing the pleasure of enjoying the panorama from a terrace. Faceted with a silver perforated rain screen on the street-facing walls and a hybrid curtain wall on the interior, the Mercedes House will help change the cityscape and add a little breathing residential space to the surroundings.
Gorgeous Minimalist House With A Light Interior

Gorgeous is the right word for this house in Leiria, Portugal. A2+ Arquitectos created this amazing Casa Xieira, modern, cool and with beautiful geometry of lines. Outside there is a curved concrete wall, which gives the overall rectilinear design more character. The yard is grey because of concrete wall and grey paver stones on the ground. The inside of the house is light and very modern, lots of white, beige wooden floors, black and dark brown. Light grey kitchen and bathroom are enjoyable and very minimalist. The interior looks very inviting and there is a striking contrast between dark concrete outside and lightness and light colors inside.

Gorgeous Minimalist House With A Light Interior

Gorgeous is the right word for this house in Leiria, Portugal. A2+ Arquitectos created this amazing Casa Xieira, modern, cool and with beautiful geometry of lines. Outside there is a curved concrete wall, which gives the overall rectilinear design more character. The yard is grey because of concrete wall and grey paver stones on the ground. The inside of the house is light and very modern, lots of white, beige wooden floors, black and dark brown. Light grey kitchen and bathroom are enjoyable and very minimalist. The interior looks very inviting and there is a striking contrast between dark concrete outside and lightness and light colors inside.
Amazing Designer’s House In A Crazy Mix Of Styles

This amazing house in a crazy mix of styles belongs to a designer. At first sight you may think that the owner loves all the styles and couldn’t choose one but the interior is in total harmony. The walls and ceiling are white; the furniture is grey and accessories are colorful. Pop art paintings and statues, vintage and rustic furniture – it all looks harmonious and stylish. The kitchen is amazing: rustic chairs, squared wallpapers and the tiles! Each tile is different, with a different pattern, together they look cool! Black fridge and blue furniture – an amazing colorful scheme!

Amazing Designer’s House In A Crazy Mix Of Styles

This amazing house in a crazy mix of styles belongs to a designer. At first sight you may think that the owner loves all the styles and couldn’t choose one but the interior is in total harmony. The walls and ceiling are white; the furniture is grey and accessories are colorful. Pop art paintings and statues, vintage and rustic furniture – it all looks harmonious and stylish. The kitchen is amazing: rustic chairs, squared wallpapers and the tiles! Each tile is different, with a different pattern, together they look cool! Black fridge and blue furniture – an amazing colorful scheme!

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Sedikit Mengulas Sejarah Jerman

“More Men, More Weapons, More Munitions!”
Republican propaganda poster created by artist, Jaume Solà Terrades - 1936
Printed in Barcelona, Spain and published by the Ministry of Defense of the Catalan government, the PSU (United Socialists Party), and the UGT (Union General de Trabajadores “General Workers’ Union”, this poster’s intent was to gain the attention of the international community and the attention of domestic and foreign volunteers to fight for the Republicans against the right-wing Nationalists.
The UGT, which was initially a workers’ union with communist ties, maintained an armed political militia throughout the Spanish Civil War. Solà, inspired by 1917 Russian Revolution propaganda art, depicted men of the UGT fighting brandishing guns against the swastika.
Solà was captured during the war and sent to a prisoner camp near Pamplona, Spain.

Haile Selassie, the emperor of Ethiopia (left), speaking at a League of Nations special session which was held on 30 June 1936 in Geneva, Switzerland, to protest Italy’s invasion and occupation of Ethiopia. At the end of Selassie’s stirring speech denouncing the Italian invasion and criticizing the world for standing by, the emperor stated that:
“It is us today. It will be you tomorrow.”
The international response to the speech did not produce the results that Selassie desired, which was to deny the recognition of the Italian conquest and to be granted a loan for a resistance movement.
Photo by Robert Capa.Article by operationbarbarossa

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012


Renovated Modern Boathouse Of Natural Wood

Lake houses are always special because the atmosphere on the lake shore is calm and relaxing. This amazing house supports the calming idea thanks to the wood of which it’s built. It’s located on Lake Muskoka, state Ontario, Canada; it’s called Muskoka Boathouse. This is a renovated boathouse of 600 square feet. Christopher Simmonds Architects managed to give the house a very modern look: below the stairs there is a pier, and above everything is done is natural wood: the floor, the ceiling and the walls. The furniture is minimalist and its amount is also minimal; the interior is very simple. Big windows are giving beautiful views of the lake.

Renovated Modern Boathouse Of Natural Wood

Lake houses are always special because the atmosphere on the lake shore is calm and relaxing. This amazing house supports the calming idea thanks to the wood of which it’s built. It’s located on Lake Muskoka, state Ontario, Canada; it’s called Muskoka Boathouse. This is a renovated boathouse of 600 square feet. Christopher Simmonds Architects managed to give the house a very modern look: below the stairs there is a pier, and above everything is done is natural wood: the floor, the ceiling and the walls. The furniture is minimalist and its amount is also minimal; the interior is very simple. Big windows are giving beautiful views of the lake.

25 Wonderful Bedroom Design Ideas

The bedroom is the room where you spend about third of your life. Of course most of that time you’re sleeping but in order to make your resting better this room should be comfy, beautiful and relaxing. There are many ways to design a bedroom. The contemporary style is probably the most popular nowadays but there are also many ways to decorate your bedroom in this style. We gathered for you a collection of bedroom designs in contemporary, unusual and other styles that will provide you with some ideas and show you current trends. You’ll see how large windows, warmness of wood and creative beds are important. Which one do you like the most?

25 Wonderful Bedroom Design Ideas

The bedroom is the room where you spend about third of your life. Of course most of that time you’re sleeping but in order to make your resting better this room should be comfy, beautiful and relaxing. There are many ways to design a bedroom. The contemporary style is probably the most popular nowadays but there are also many ways to decorate your bedroom in this style. We gathered for you a collection of bedroom designs in contemporary, unusual and other styles that will provide you with some ideas and show you current trends. You’ll see how large windows, warmness of wood and creative beds are important. Which one do you like the most?

Fantastic and One of a Kind Mosaic Staircase in San Francisco

The 16th Avenue Tiled Steps project has been a neighborhood effort to create a beautiful mosaic running up the risers of the 163 steps located at 16th and Moraga in San Francisco. The project, led by artists Aileen Barr and Colette Crutcher, was completed on August 18, 2004 with the help of over 300 neighbors, and over 220 neighbors who sponsored handmade animal, bird and fish name tiles. The result is fantastic, do you agree?

Fantastic and One of a Kind Mosaic Staircase in San Francisco

The 16th Avenue Tiled Steps project has been a neighborhood effort to create a beautiful mosaic running up the risers of the 163 steps located at 16th and Moraga in San Francisco. The project, led by artists Aileen Barr and Colette Crutcher, was completed on August 18, 2004 with the help of over 300 neighbors, and over 220 neighbors who sponsored handmade animal, bird and fish name tiles. The result is fantastic, do you agree?

2012 RIBA Awards Winners Announced

The Royal Institute of British Architects in London have announced 59 winners of this year’s RIBA Awards, including projects by David Chipperfield, Foster + Partners and OMA. The shortlist for the RIBA Stirling Prize for the building of the year will be drawn from the 59 RIBA Award winners. This year’s winners range from a house in the shape of a sand dune to the London 2012 Olympic Stadium, from a demountable opera pavilion to the radical transformation of a Spanish bull-fighting arena. Well-known architects and smaller architecture practices will be battling it out to make it onto this year’s RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist alongside television presenter Kevin McCloud and philosopher Alain de Botton who have nailed their colours to the mast and commissioned two of this year’s award-winning buildings.

2012 RIBA Awards Winners Announced

The Royal Institute of British Architects in London have announced 59 winners of this year’s RIBA Awards, including projects by David Chipperfield, Foster + Partners and OMA. The shortlist for the RIBA Stirling Prize for the building of the year will be drawn from the 59 RIBA Award winners. This year’s winners range from a house in the shape of a sand dune to the London 2012 Olympic Stadium, from a demountable opera pavilion to the radical transformation of a Spanish bull-fighting arena. Well-known architects and smaller architecture practices will be battling it out to make it onto this year’s RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist alongside television presenter Kevin McCloud and philosopher Alain de Botton who have nailed their colours to the mast and commissioned two of this year’s award-winning buildings.

Two-story Penthouse in Taiwan Displaying Contemporary Layout and Design

Studio PMK + Designers envisioned a two-story penthouse in Kaohsiung, Taiwan entitled Lai Residence and developed for a young couple and their newborn daughter. Displaying a highly contemporary layout and design, the loft is centered around a double-height open plan living and dining area, with integrated kitchen appliances. The original lighting system along with the exposed pipes, steel poles and brick walls uncover the project’s industrial influences. With subtle color contrasts and an extensive use of white, brown and black, the flat is characterized by elegance and tastefulness. The living room is connected to a generous terrace, with great city views.A large staircase leads the way towards the second level, where the master bedroom, dressing room and office are located. How would you comment on the design of this duplex? Find it suitable for a young family with children?

Two-story Penthouse in Taiwan Displaying Contemporary Layout and Design

Studio PMK + Designers envisioned a two-story penthouse in Kaohsiung, Taiwan entitled Lai Residence and developed for a young couple and their newborn daughter. Displaying a highly contemporary layout and design, the loft is centered around a double-height open plan living and dining area, with integrated kitchen appliances. The original lighting system along with the exposed pipes, steel poles and brick walls uncover the project’s industrial influences. With subtle color contrasts and an extensive use of white, brown and black, the flat is characterized by elegance and tastefulness. The living room is connected to a generous terrace, with great city views.A large staircase leads the way towards the second level, where the master bedroom, dressing room and office are located. How would you comment on the design of this duplex? Find it suitable for a young family with children?by:

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012


Extraordinary Crescent House by Shigeru Ban Architects

This site is located on the slope in the north side of villa area in South Hakone. The scenery of the north side is rare because of its opening to look over Mt.Fuji without being almost distributed by any other houses in the fine day. On the other hand, looking at a variety of houses whose shapes and colors are unique in other sides of the site. Designers instantly pulled back to Japanese reality by a sense of relief blessed with nature. Standing in the site, in order not to allow people to look at east, west and south sides, the idea that the crescent-shaped plan which opens up to north corresponding to the site and the cross section which looks like the “C” character( the “U” character which falls down) naturally comes up to mind right away.

Extraordinary Crescent House by Shigeru Ban Architects

This site is located on the slope in the north side of villa area in South Hakone. The scenery of the north side is rare because of its opening to look over Mt.Fuji without being almost distributed by any other houses in the fine day. On the other hand, looking at a variety of houses whose shapes and colors are unique in other sides of the site. Designers instantly pulled back to Japanese reality by a sense of relief blessed with nature. Standing in the site, in order not to allow people to look at east, west and south sides, the idea that the crescent-shaped plan which opens up to north corresponding to the site and the cross section which looks like the “C” character( the “U” character which falls down) naturally comes up to mind right away.

30 Landscape Design Ideas Shaping Up Your Summer Dream Home

Landscape design originally combines creativity and nature, with results that dazzle the mind and push the limits of aesthetics further. Seeing how popular our previous posts, “35 Lovely Pathways for a Well-Organized Home and Garden” and “38 Garden Design Ideas Turning Your Home Into a Peaceful Refuge” were, we decided to make today about landscaping ideas. We assume that there were times when you felt the area in front of your house needs improvement. Well here you have it- 30 landscape pictures to keep that inspiration flowing when it comes to your outdoor courtyard!

30 Landscape Design Ideas Shaping Up Your Summer Dream Home

Landscape design originally combines creativity and nature, with results that dazzle the mind and push the limits of aesthetics further. Seeing how popular our previous posts, “35 Lovely Pathways for a Well-Organized Home and Garden” and “38 Garden Design Ideas Turning Your Home Into a Peaceful Refuge” were, we decided to make today about landscaping ideas. We assume that there were times when you felt the area in front of your house needs improvement. Well here you have it- 30 landscape pictures to keep that inspiration flowing when it comes to your outdoor courtyard!


These are words of wisdom for you to become a young entrepreneur ...
(ini adalah kata-kata mutiara untuk kalian yang menjadi entrepreneur muda...)

She is Ayn Rand
He is Abraham Lincoln
She is Shirley Jones                             He is Abraham Lincoln
"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."

.: Og Mandino

"Always desire to learn something useful."

.: Sophocles

"Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it."

.: Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."

.: William James

"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."

.: Ayn Rand

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."

.: Abraham Lincoln

"After I won the Oscar, my salary doubled, my friends tripled, my children became more popular at school, my butcher made a pass at me, and my maid hit me up for a raise."

.: Shirley Jones

"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."

.: David Brinkley

"Happiness is the natural flower of duty."

.: Phillips Brooks

"Great hopes make great men."

.: Thomas Fuller

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."

.: Jim Rohn

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul."

.: Henry Ward Beecher